Track #22: Moonlight, Kawala

Song: Moonlight
Artist / Band: Kawala

Dedicated to: 
A good friend who was once more than that, and hopefully will be again
From: Rebecca

The first time I took the long train journey to meet the person dedicated, who told me about this band, this song came on and my anxious jittery nerves washed away into calm, happy anticipation. Every time I’ve heard it since I can see the fields passing by the train window again and feel that happy calm drift in.

A good song makes you feel something regardless of what your mood is at the time. If I’m in a good mood it makes me more productive, if I’m anxious it calms me, if I’m upset it reminds me of a place where I was the exact opposite, if I’m numb it snaps me out of it to feel something. It just feels optimistic and hopeful- two of my favourite things.

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See full I Made You A Mixtape playlist here

Part of our Summer Streets 2020 I Made You A Mixtape project; created for all the people and places we’ve been missing during lockdown.